September 20, 1997

"Livin' the good life."

What's New...

This is going to be a shorter entry than most cause I'm beat. I got adopted by a kitten today. Had to happen eventually. I came home from the Pharmacy and the store, and when I opened the door, this little orange kitty comes right in with me. Proceeds up the stairs and follows me down the hall to the apartment. It stops right outside my door and looks at me as if to say "Well...going to open the door or what?"!!! It then goes further down the hall and I had to call it back and it comes right in and now owns the place. I call him Zoot. He is getting ready for bed under the computer desk. I have to break him of the habit he seems to have of playing with power cords and other assorted cables. There goes my independance. Now I gotta get a catbox for him. Now he's asleep under the desk all curled up. Awwwwwwwww......

Saw the shrink on Wednesday and got my Effexor bumped up 50%. By Monday, I'll be at 225mg. I don't think I'll have to stay at this level long but I wanted to make sure I had as much on board as I could take. With the Depakote up as well, I think I won't get any lower. Saw the therapist on Thursday and we talked about Colette and work issues. I go back on Wednesday and then monthly for some months. I was away too long and let some things build up on me. Gotta watch that.

I moved my desk and puter out to the living room. It's closer to the window for the wireless modem and since I have no Colette wanting the room to watch TV in, I figured what the hell. The other things here are an inoperative TV and my guitars and effects unit. Got Melissa Etheridge's Your Little Secret on the CD. The end of the CD is pretty mellow. Nice bass line on "This War Is Over". I would like a Connectix Quick Cam™ so I can take pictures of this place, Zoot and my bike (no...I'm not going to bring it up the stairs to do it). I can take pictures out the balcony window if the cable is long enough. Anyway, I feel like taking some pictures (and having a new toy) and maybe I'll take a picture of my right ear canal which at the moment hurts like hell. I have an inner ear infection and it sends shooting pains up and down my jaw and feels like I have a 10 gauge knitting needle piercing my eardrum. So, I got that going for me. Next stop, encephalitis...

The store had the latest issue of Guitar Shop in so I got one when I went out for Mocha Mix™ and Sweet 'n Low™. I also got my meds refilled and now I can cocoon here till hell freezes over or Monday arrives.

What's On My Mind

I'm tired. I'm still not getting up on time and I get to work around 8.00A. I am going to start having Wednesday's off for the next month or more. I just went to my supervisor and told him I needed the time. He said okay. I see Employee Assistance on the 29th to make it official. Expecting no problems there.

Got to get Zoot to the vet to get the fleas off him and get him cleaned up. He also needs his shots I'm sure. Plus, I got to get some Gerber™ Baby Food. My Mom fed our cats baby food and she growed some really big damn cats let me tell ya. I have fed my cats baby food and they do really well on it. I know cats have different dietary needs than babies but if babies can grow on it, then cats can too. Anyway, it's also cheaper than cat food most of the time. I get the dried stuff too.

I can't wait to start taking Wednesday's off. It will be a nice break from the week and won't make me feel like there is no end to the week. The money is less, but I get a chance to get my brain back on track and get my motivation back.

Tabbies. Zoot is a Tabby. Got the M on his forehead. I've only been around Tabbies. Sometimes I think that there are only Tabby cats on the earth. Tabbies will inherit the earth. In fact, there may be more Tabbies on earth than there is dirt. Look at your Tabby closely. Is he/she looking at you like you're a Dinosaur? Just waiting for us to finally kill ourselves off so they can take over? Seen your car keys lately? Don't say you haven't been warned....

Typical cat. He just went over and curled up on my shirt. I just remembered that they also like to curl up on fresh laundry out of the dryer. What I really need to do tommorow is call the complex office and see if anyone has reported missing a cat. If not, I'll keep him. I have to put him in the bathroom tonight what with no catbox. The first cat I adopted spent the night in the bathroom, and after having his but pushed down in the tub, used it like intended! That was a smart cat. Shaman used to stand in front of me while I was playing my guitar and jump up my leg, over the guitar and scramble up my chest till he got on my shoulders. Then, would ride around like that while I played my guitar. And some people wonder why we grieve so much at the passing of a friend like that.

Taking the motorcycle written test. I've put it off for weeks now and I need to take the thing. I'm signed up for MSF next week and assuming I pass that, I won't have to take the drive test. But, I have to take the written test. Why is it that written driving tests make me nervous? Dunno. I hate the things.

Love people. They're all we've got in the end.

Be Joyous!

Email button a male seeking a female.

<Some Henry Weinhard's Porter™ and a Marlboro Light™>

"Rolling out across the street."

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