September 28, 1997

"This war is over..."

What's New...

Took the motorcycle safety class. I passed. Now, if I can just get my dead self to the DMV and take their test, I'll be able to get my license. One step at a time.

Zoot is chasing a crumpled receipt around the kitchen floor. Totally enthralled. I wonder if cats or dogs get depressed?

Well, the puter keeps on chugging. I seem to have reduced my crashes to about 5% of what they were by removing the Global Village Telecom software and upgrading to System 7.5. Is good.

I took a nap earlier this PM cause the mind needed it. Driving those piece of s**t motorcycles at the course is an experience. I had to steer these little things faster I'm comfortable with, and if you go too slow on the test you get marked down. I can live with that. And I did. I did the high speed turn slower than they would have liked, but with the glitchy throttle (either on or hauling ass), I felt better going slower. Plus, I'm a slower driver than most and I can live with what I did. It's what I normally do. One thing though. I thought that I had nailed the time when I went through it. I did a good line but not fast enough. Funny. Those little 125's are less stable than the 150 scooter I had. And yes, I was afraid of going down. I've got enough scars to last me a lifetime. Let the younger ones go faster...which they did! :-)

I also stopped in a longer distance than I should. I could say that I didn't want the rear wheel to skid, and that would be true, but I think the answer is that I just overcooked the acceleration, and didn't want to anticipate the stop, and was too worried about having to retest it that I didn't do a good job on it. Okay, so I screwed the pooch, so what.

The only lady in our class dropped the bike on the quick stop, redid the stop, did well and graduated! We we're all glad she made it because she had never ridden before and she improved so much. I did too. I noticed driving to the range on Sunday that my turns were more stable. On the way home today I found myself looking through turns better than I had been.

If you are thinking of riding, take the course. It is worth your time plus many dealerships give you a discount for having taken the course (usually only on new bikes) and you don't have to take the state's drive test which can be a real bitch.

Then, oaf that I am, as I was leaving the course I almost overcooked a corner on my bike and came near to jumping the curb. Had to remind myself that I was riding my bike now and that it was just a bit faster than theirs. That would have been the absolute shits. Crash 200 meters from the course I just graduated from! Kinda brings on a shudder.

Ok. Since I've had requests for Zoot's picture (actually only 3), I'll add them to this page. They are kind of big so play nice and don't flame for their size. A grapho I ain't! I wanted a good rez so I didn't shoot them at 0 bits or anything. Where you see him is right to the left of my desk where he normally is. Except when he's under the desk (like right now,) sleeping or chewing on power cables. Also featured in the shots are a shoe, a bag and some laundry. Just in case you were wondering...

"Why would Minoks be in here?" 
"Probably chewing on the power cables....Chewie! Go check the other side of the ship!"

Now he's on the desk playing junior editor and rolling my lighter around. Good thing he doesn't have opposable thumbs.

Doing the pictures of Zoot reminded me that I need a decent image manipulation package. It would be nice to have one that does Thumbnails. Anyone know of a good one for the Macintosh (68K) that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? Just checked how the pics look in Nav and they are awful. OH well....

What's On My Mind

Wondering how this is going to turn out. I've been at med higher doses for over a week. Could be another week or two or it might not work or it might be tommorow.

I missed three days of work last week, one of them planned. It really bites. I'm knotted up inside thinking about what is coming in the future. Borrowing trouble if you will.

Bean listening to a lot of ME. For some reason, her voice and songs are just what I need right now to close the room around myself and regroup. Sometimes they down me out but for the most part they work. There is a lot of loss and lost love in her songs but then that's life ain't it?

Disgusting people. I got a QuickCam™ and downloaded CU-SeeMe™ and went in search of what was out there. What I found was about 99.9% guys and a lot of them were using it for crotch cams and jerking off into the camera. Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! Really disgusting. The stoopidist thing about the whole thing was that most people on a giver reflector were lurking, either with no video or because they had no video, and just typing messages. Why use CU if you're just going to type or have no cam? Really weird..... Go to IRC you bums!!!

I get this weird feeling sitting here with the QuickCam staring me in the face. I wonder if someone can access it without the software on and see you? Kinda makes ya think... Course who would access me knowingly? That would make me think even more...

Be Joyous!

Email button those who never woke up from the American Dream.

<some coffee and a smoke>

"I'm coming home."

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